This is the moment…

This month I returned to my hometown of Lancaster, PA, where I was part of an absolutely phenomenal production of Frank Wildhorn’s Jekyll and Hyde! I didn’t know that much about the show (other than the basic story; hard to avoid spoilers for that at this point), but I was positively blown away by this show and this team! The incredible folks I got to work with poured their heart and soul into this project, and it was an absolute powerhouse of a production. Truly some of the most talented performers I’ve ever worked with, and some of the most incredible vocals I’ve ever witnessed (and all with a cast of TWELVE)! Not only that, but the sense of community in this show was truly unmatched, and I’m so happy I got to be a part of something so special. I only wish it could have run longer! I’m headed back to NYC now, but I’ll never forget this incredible team and show. Until next time!



The incredible cast of Jekyll and Hyde!


Once upon a midnight dreary…


Here’s to the true meaning of Christmas!